Berks County Correctional Facility
Our Expertise
Berks County is in the early stages of a multi-phase plan to develop a new correctional facility to replace the Berks County Prison. In 2018, the County contracted with CGL to prepare a Criminal Justice Master Plan to develop a long-term plan for the effective operation of the County’s criminal justice system.
Based upon the system and operational goals and review of alternative facility improvement options, a recommendation was made to replace the prison. A project pause followed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The County resumed project planning in 2021 to include an Organizational Review and Facility Condition Review. The analysis identified cost implications related to operations and existing deferred maintenance for completing a new facility at different timelines.
Project development continued in 2022 to include the following pre-design tasks:
- Update of the 2018 Needs Assessment
- Develop a Public Outreach/ Communication Plan
- Prepare a program to define the operational/management philosophy and space requirements of a new facility
- Conduct industry benchmarking and facility tours
- Assist County with creation of a Transition & Activation Team and activity schedule
- Provide a project cost estimate model for construction
- Develop a Total-Cost-of-Ownership model
- Identify delivery and procurement method
Based on the results of the current efforts, the County and CGL Team will then continue pre-design tasks to include a detailed criteria package and the development of procurement packages.
Project Details
Berks County, PA
Berks County, PA
$340 Million
435,500 SF
974 Beds
Link 2 Built