At CGL, we know how daunting assuming the leadership of a contemporary correctional system can be. Our considerable experience both as former correctional administrators, who have faced these issues, and as correctional consultants, who have assisted state correctional agencies for the last 44 years, has led us to develop these recommendations.

CGL is here to help. Download our guidelines and suggestions today to receive actionable insights and advice written by former corrections directors and industry experts.


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Meet the Authors

5583New Corrections Directors Guide to a Successful Transition in Corrections

Kenneth McGinnis

Senior Vice President

Ken has more than 42 years of professional experience in the management of correctional institutions, programs, and organizations and has spent the last 14 years providing consultation to correctional agencies and organizations across the U.S. His governmental responsibilities have ranged from the management and administration of all facets of the Illinois and Michigan correctional systems to serving as warden and directing the operations of maximum, medium, and minimum security adult institutions. Ken served as the chief administrative officer of two...

409New Corrections Directors Guide to a Successful Transition in Corrections

Joe Lee

Senior Advisor

Joe’s unique understanding of justice facility operations, combined with his in-depth knowledge of justice building engineering, inspired him to give more attention to the long-term maintenance requirements of the facility. He developed the first contracted maintenance delivery system specifically designed for implementation in justice facilities. Joe’s maintenance system ensures security, prolongs the life of significant capital expenditures and lowers the operating and energy costs of the maintained facility. His system of incorporating maintenance and energy efficiencies into the planning and...