Jackson County Detention Center
Our Expertise
Jackson County is developing new correctional facility to replace the Jackson County Detention Center (JCDC). In January 2020, the County contracted with CGL to serve as the Owner’s Representative in providing professional services to support the development of new jail facilities.
The first phase provided a validation of the needs and issues identified in past studies of the County detention system. Needs were determined by evaluating previous studies and collecting information from the existing facility. The research was then condensed into a report outlining the best data for understanding the long-term capacity requirements for the Jackson County jail system needs.
The second phase defined the operational and architectural program needs for a new facility, based on the results of the needs analysis, current issues in the County’s justice system, and forecast of future detention capacity needs.
The Criteria Document Phase conveys the County’s design and construction requirements through a summary of work that includes technical requirements, plans, project constraints, reference materials, and contractual requirements. The documents allow the County to provide a higher level of definition and project detail refinement for the new detention center.
CGL is currently overseeing the design and fast-track construction of the detention center. Construction is to be completed in December 2025. CGL will begin planning for transition into the new facility in fall of 2025 and remain on-site until February 2026.
Project Details
Jackson County, MO
Jackson County, MO
$301 Million
477,909 SF
1,277 Beds
2 Courtrooms
Link 2 Built
Newmark Zimmer