Miramar Police Headquarters
Our Expertise
CGL provided design review and consulting services for the City of Miramar Police Headquarters. Located in the Town center area of Miramar, Florida, the facility is housed in a three-story building that defines one edge of the civic plaza.
The building includes separate entrances for the public, staff and internal affairs as well as a dedicated secure vehicle sallyport adjacent to the booking area and holding cells. A media room is located on the ground floor adjacent to the main public entrance. The facility includes spaces for the criminal investigations and support services bureaus, the patrol division, communications, fitness and locker room areas for men and women, as well as space for the office of the chief and command staff.
Due to the building’s location in a dense new-urbanist development, the facility includes extensive security measures. These include: ballistic glazing throughout, a structural system designed to prevent progressive collapse from explosive blasts, ballistic glazing at the main lobby, and correctional grade materials and hardware for the holding cells. The building is designed to withstand Category 5 hurricane force winds and is provided with full backup emergency generators.
- 2018 – Most Outstanding Green Police Station, US Green Buildings Council South Florida Region.
- LEED Silver Certification
Project Details
Miramar, FL
City of Miramar, FL
$23 Million
65,000 SF
Cartaya and Associate
Pirtle Construction