Oconee County Detention Center
Our Expertise
CGL provided design review, diversion assessment, and transition and activation services for the new $16.2-million, 200-bed jail in Oconee County, South Carolina. Our firm led a kick-off meeting that explained an overview of the transition and activation process, a four day training class, and monthly assistance to the transition team throughout jail construction. The on-site and monthly assistance aided the team in developing general operations, staffing, scenarios, policies and procedures, job descriptions, post orders, training, move logistics, and post occupancy evaluation.
In December 2013, CGL was contracted by the Sheriff’s office to assess inmate diversion and alternatives to incarceration programs that could reduce the number of inmates detained in the County. The inmate diversion and alternative to incarceration assessment was a component of the transition and activation program for the new Oconee County Law Enforcement Center.
Project Details
Walhalla, SC
Oconee County, SC
$16.2 million
95,358 SF