Monroe County Courthouse Team Developed Courtroom Mockup
The Monroe County Courthouse mockup brings the County a step closer to receiving its 21st century courthouse.
The Monroe County Courthouse Renovation and Expansion project in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania is progressing and moving closer to providing the County with a safer and more functional justice facility. On January 14, the Monroe County Courthouse project team developed a courtroom mockup to demonstrate the layout and features to the county members in attendance.
“Monroe County built a temporary courtroom mockup showing all furniture, millwork and technology in the courtroom well to test sightlines and functionality of the new courtrooms proposed for the project. CGL guided a diverse group of participants including Judges, prosecutors, Public Defender Office, Sheriff’s Office, court reporters, courtroom clerks and other County staff including the Commissioners through the review and evaluation process,” said Enrique Macia, Lead Designer.
CGL team members involved with the mockup were Enrique Macia, Andre Voss, Dominika Barszcz, and Ting Tsai. Other team and county members involved include Michael Michalski with Professional Systems Engineering, the County, Court, Sheriff, District Attorney, Public Defender, Prothonotary and several other groups participated. At the end of the day an open house was held where members of the local Bar Association were invited to see the mockup.
A few minor adjustments were made to the mockup to improve the courtroom’s efficiency; however, ultimately the design was approved by all the users and resulted in a successful mockup review session. The next step for the Monroe County Courthouse project team is to issue 100% Bid and Permit drawings. CGL is excited to help keep furthering the advancement of the courthouse expansion and renovation.
This project originated because the Court of Common Pleas, 43rd Judicial District of Pennsylvania have an aging infrastructure that has not seen a major expansion in decades. A critical issue the new courthouse will address is providing safe and separate spaces for staff, public, and detainees.
The major components of the project include: an addition with a lobby, courtrooms, and support areas, a renovation of the interior of the 1970s annex, and a restoration of the National Register listed Historic Courthouse interior spaces. CGL’s two phase approach, Phase 1: Pre-Design Services and Phase 2: Architectural and Design Services, will help Monroe County achieve its goal of having a 21st century courthouse.
Check out more pictures from the mockup below.