CGL Justice Leaders Head to ICPA
October 22-27, esteemed members of the global corrections community gather in London for the International Corrections and Prisons Association’s 19th Annual Conference.
This year’s conference focuses on “Innovation in Rehabilitation: Building Better Futures,” and features an impressive array of expert panels and speakers, including CGL justice leaders Stephen A. Carter, AICP; Robert Fisch, AICP LEED AP; and Dr. Marayca López.
Monday, October 23
11:00am-12:30pm: “Architecture of Healing: Innovations in Correctional Rehabilitation and Lessons Learned”
Panel: Stephen A. Carter, AICP, John MacAllister, Dr. Laura Brackin
3:30-5:00pm: “Using the ICPA Global Website to Support Rehabilitation”
Panel: Stephen A. Carter, AICP, Kiran Kashyap, Rohan Lulham
Tuesday, October 24
11:00am-12:30pm: “Finding New Solutions for Young Offenders Through Design”
Panel: Robert Fisch, AICP, LEED AP, Stephen A. Carter, AICP, Robert Boraks, David Bezanson
1:30-3:00pm: “Besides the language, what do Catalonia (Spain), Costa Rica, and the Dominican Republic have in common? Exemplary Rehabilitative Prison Models”
Panel: Dr. Marayca López, Jennifer Peirce, Jordi Pons